Hi. I'm Kurt.
And that's my dog, Tofu.
I help actors learn the skills needed to break into the film and television industry.
Tofu wags her tail in agreement.

Learn How to Audition
Like a Professional Actor
KURT'S FREE AUDITION CHEAT SHEET: Learn the audition techniques I've used to help me book over 50 movies and television shows.
Download the FREE Cheat SheetA few of my recent IMDb credits:

New Actors Start Here
Are you a brand new actor with no experience? Learn the essential steps to creating a career in film and television.

Self Tape Tools
What do working actors use to record their auditions at home? Here is everything you need to get started.

Acting Workshops
Discover how to turn your hobby into a career. Learn from me and other acting teachers on Zoom.

I Would Love to Meet You On Set One Day
The creative world of film and television production is nothing short of magical. Whether your dream is to be in a science fiction thriller, a witty rom-com, or a gritty post apocalyptic drama, I want to help you get there. The journey won't be easy. But it will most certainly be worth it.
"Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny." - C.S. Lewis
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